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Our Commitment To Sustainability

At Hanson Wade, we're taking our first steps towards a greener future. We're committed to minimizing our conferences' impact on the environment and implementing sustainable practices in an effort to drive positive change through transparency. Here's how we're embedding sustainability into the heart of the Advancing Ocean CDR Summit:

Digital Agendas

In our effort to move towards a paperless business, we will not be printing physical agendas for this conference.

Instead, the digital agenda will be circulated before the event. We will also be providing QR codes onsite to access it.

New Lanyard Recycling Scheme

Before you leave, please remember to drop your lanyard and badge in the collection box at our check-in desk.

We will then recycle your badges, and ensure your lanyards are re-used at another event.

Reduced-Carbon Menu

We recognise that the food we eat comes with it's own carbon emissions.

To reduce this, we're working with our venue, The Hilton Boston Back Bay, to put together a reduced-carbon menu for this event, consisting of a higher proportion of plant-based items.

Venue Sustainability - Hilton Hotels

Hilton Hotels are dedicated to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions through a series of targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).


Our venue, The Hilton Boston Back Bay, is working to achieve their emissions targets in a number of ways:



  • All guestrooms, public spaces and offices use LED lighting systems.
  • Auto-switch lights in low-traffic areas, to turn off and on only when needed.
  • All bedding and towels are now cleaned in-house, reducing the emissions associated with shipping this to an external laundrette.



  • Low-flush toilets* installed in all guestrooms.
  • No linens are used for banquets, saving on water used for cleaning tablecloths.


Reducing Waste

  • No paper products are used for banquets or conferences.
  • All hotel offices use water dispensers, rather than disposable plastic bottles.
  • All guestrooms contain refillable shower products, as opposed to single-use products.
  • Unused and lightly-used bar soap from guestrooms is donated to a charity which cleans and repurposes the soap for homeless shelters.


*"Low-flush" is defined as <1.3 gallons per flush

If you have any questions about the information above, please contact your Event Manager.